Back to the Basics

An exploration in reworking and re-evaluating my treatment plan.

Remember how your grandmother gave you a spoon full of honey when you had a sore throat?  How your mom put a cold compress on your head when you had a fever?  Or how about when eating warm soup eased your cold symptoms?  Or that time when you were feeling stressed, and a simple deep breath helped alleviate your tension?  These are all natural remedies for illness and ailments.  These remedies I like to call “the basics”.  They have been around forever, and they work.  Sure, controlling  an autoimmune disease isn’t as simple as curing the common cold, but there are basic natural steps we can take to ease our symptoms.

Recently I posted about my renewed faith in modern medicine, and my anticipation to try an immunosuppressant drug (imuran) to control my lupus symptoms.  I was excited for the drug to take effect and to alleviate some of my aches and pains.  Unfortunately, the medication brought with it a fever, extreme weakness, body aches, dizziness, and more.  I found myself back in my least favorite of places: the emergency room.  Needless to say, the medication was not for me.  Nor are most medications, in fact.  This is not the first time my body has rejected a medication and brought me to the hospital.  My body is extremely sensitive to all drugs– and this one in particular.  My rheumatologist took me off of the med, and I have since been in a period of “detoxing” from all of its chemicals.  Additionally, I stopped taking all medications that aren’t absolutely necessary.  I’ve been weaning myself off of many medications to get myself stabilized and grounded.  I’ve been going back to the basics.

To me, the basics include a couple simple things: food and rest.  I’m attempting to maintain a dairy-free, gluten-free diet to reduce inflammation.  I’m limiting my alcohol consumption.  I’m beginning to purchase all organic produce to limit the chemicals in my body.  I’m budgeting 9-10 hours of my night for sleep.  I’m taking time to lay down and rest during the mid-day hours.  I’ve committed myself to restorative yoga classes at least twice a week.  I’m limiting my amount of sun exposure.  I’m taking caution to not pack my day with too many activities.  I’m using meditation to reduce stress.  And, finally, I’m journaling about my experiences.  I’ve been keeping track of what remedies I’m trying, and noting what works and what doesn’t.

So that’s it for now.  Good food and good rest is my treatment of choice.  And I’m pleased to announce that, at least for now, I’m seeing some improvements. 🙂

2 responses to “Back to the Basics

  1. Fantastic! SO glad things are settling down for you – keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, Katie! Hope things are continuing to stabilize for you, as well! Xo

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